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Take full control of the power Salient has to offer with our new exciting page builder. You’ll be grinning in delight when you see just how easy it is to create stunning layouts with little effort.

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Take full control of the power Salient has to offer with our new exciting page builder. You’ll be grinning in delight when you see just how easy it is to create stunning layouts with little effort.

Video Tutorials

Take full control of the power Salient has to offer with our new exciting page builder. You’ll be grinning in delight when you see just how easy it is to create stunning layouts with little effort.

Oh, & We Blog Sometimes


Ibuprofen and back pain – is it a good idea to take them?

18/03/2023 in Uncategorized

What to do if you have a slipped disc

A common question that we get asked a lot is "what can I do if…
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28/01/2023 in Uncategorized

Why Spinal Surgery is a bad idea

A study published in 2011 in the prestigious journal Spine concluded: 1. Only 26% of…
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28/01/2023 in Uncategorized

How we scan your spine

We use a Surface Electromyograph (SEMG)  to assess the function of the nerve system. The…
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28/01/2023 in Uncategorized

Your posture should be a certain shape

Your posture is largely determined by your spine. If your spine is healthy on the…
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