To all of the patients at Shield Clinic

I am writing to advise you that the Company is experiencing financial difficulties. I have sought the advice of an Insolvency Practitioner intending to place the Company into an insolvency process. As such, I cannot make any payments to creditors now to ensure that all creditors are treated fairly. 

If you received the text directing you to this page, it means you have an outstanding credit with shield clinic, and I want to make sure as many of you get the sessions you have paid for, if in the event we are forced to close. Provisionally, we are setting a date of April 8th 2024 as our last day, subject to any changes.

Should an Insolvency Practitioner be appointed, I can confirm that I Will pass on your details to them, and they will contact you to advise you on how to submit a claim for money that remains due to you. 

Many thanks for your understanding and patience at this time. If you have any queries, please contact our text line on 07860064162 for more information.