"Find the root cause of your pain and fix it FAST, without Resorting to drugs or surgery"

Since 2009 we have helped over 8700 people from Newcastle with their Back Pain, Sciatica, Migraines & Headaches

Why Is Our Wellness Care Different?

Discover how our wellness care can pinpoint the true cause of your pain allowing us to truly make a difference in your life and not just mask the symptoms.

Here's the thing, in our experience the reason why a lot of clinics fail and you dont get the results you want, is that a lot of places just try to treat the pain and never identify the causes of your problems.

That's why we price ourselves as having one of the most advanced testing procedures anywhere in the North east, with thousands of pounds spent on kit that nowhere else around us uses to help diagnose problems.

Pain is not always where you think it is. The pain in your right shoulder could be caused by a problem in your pelvis – our analysis allows us to see this, and more, so we don’t waste time (and your money) working in the wrong place.

We use the latest technology which picks up things the human eye cannot see, this means nothing gets missed and we get to see the whole picture.

We give you the tools you need to get your health back & live a pain free life

“the difference in every aspect is remarkable. …  I’m a totally different person. I can’t thank him  (John) enough, or the lovely receptionists, who make you feel welcome and relaxed from the initial assessment.”

Jacquie Blunt (from Google Reviews)

✔️ When we make a recommendation, it isn’t in the hope you might get better, its from the reliable and scientifically backed tests we run, which means you get better results than you could have ever expected!

✔️ We know how important your health is, so we always take an in depth consultation, in person, so we know exactly what we are dealing with.

✔️ Being one of the busiest clinics in the North east for nearly 20 years, we probably have seen it all!

Get out of pain quicker with Shield Clinic

✔️  You deserve the best consultation possible, that’s why we have spent thousands of pounds on diagnostic equipment that nobody else in Newcastle or the surrounding areas has. That’s why we are known for having some of the best consultations in the area!

✔️  We also use some of the most advanced and expensive equipment for treatment. With nearly £70,000 invested in treatment kit, you know that you are in safe & knowledgeable hands when you come to visit us

✔️  One of the biggest things we notice when doing our tests and treatments is that pain and it’s location is rarely the point of problem. Our analysis and treatment methods allow us to safely and effectively allows us to get all the information we need to make an informed decision on your health, so you don’t have to waste countless hours and hundreds of pounds.

We make sure you are in a relaxed, clean and friendly environment at all times.

✔️ While you wait, we serve complimentary water, teas, coffees and hot chocolates and fresh, seasonal fruits (only hen theyre at their best!)

✔️  Are you worrying childcare might be an issue? Not at this clinic! We love kids, and would always welcome you to bring your kids or grandkids to come with you, so you don’t miss vital sessions.

How we work


This is where we find out exactly what your problems are

Scans & Analysis

From these scans we can determine your problems, and formulate a plan to fix them

Report of Findings

Once we have collated all the data then we sit you down to formulate the best plan to get you out of pain

It’s easy to book your first appointment, just click the button, fill in some of your details so we can get in touch with you and then we will schedule your first appointment

We will do our very best to find the true cause of your pain

We are open from 7.30am on some mornings and don’t close till 7pm on the evening on other days, so we know we can find a time to suit you

We give you the tools you need to get your health back & live a pain free life!

Does it Work for Everyone?

In truth, we can’t help everyone who walks through our doors. However we have a 86% success rate in helping patients.


We keep thorough records and find within a few short months of care most people feel a minimum of 60% better compared to when they first walked in.

To give that some perspective, spinal fusion surgery has been found to be only 24% successful, so we think we are doing pretty good for getting an 86% success rate!

Does Treatment Hurt?

Yes it can hurt, but solutions are available that cause no discomfort too.

We would be lying if we said to you that everything we do never causes discomfort, however the techniques we employ cause the minimal amount of trauma (compared to a thai massage, we are very gentle) and helps your body to recover quicker as a result.

Most of our patients will comment on how gentle, but how powerful the treatment is. The most common things we hear from peoples first treatment is how much lighter, looser and more upright they feel!

Is it expensive?

Whilst it isnt as cheap as buying a box of ibuprofen in boots, we have in built savings when we recommend care plans that make sure it is the most affordable care, based on your needs.

Fun fact, a trip to A&E with non specific lower back pain costs…..£800 by the time you have walked out of the door with a bag full of tablets and no real hands on treatment. Thankfully, we aren’t that expensive for just 1 visit!

Is it backed by scientific literature?


Every single test, technique & piece of advice we give can be backed up by years of research and anecdotal evidence gained over the years of experience we have accumulated at the clinic.

How long will it take to get me better?

Unfortunately, without doing a thorough assessment, it is impossible to tell anybody how long things can take to get better. We take each and every case by it’s own merit and base our recommendations on the testing that we do during the first visit.

What conditions can you treat?

The main things we treat are

  • Sciatica
  • Lower Back Pain
  • Neck Pain
  • Migraines/Headaches

Do I have to do anything after the initial consultation?


Our job is to find out what your problems are, make the best recommendations based on what we find and we will likely do a first treatment if you consent.

After that, we give you the freedom to make the best choices for your own health, we will never pressure or force you into doing anything you don’t want to do. It’s not our style!

Will you let my doctor know what's going on?

Only with your express permission. We keep everything in house here, and we will only share details that you give us permission for, otherwise your data is safe and secure at all times.

Pop your details below and we will get back to you ASAP for your 65% initial assessment, report & first treatment